The answer is that leadership is a process. People with leadership potential do not become leaders overnight. Rather it is up to existing leaders to train the next generation and show them the way.
That is exactly what we have been doing for over three decades at TACSC, in teaching and living our mission of developing moral leaders who positively impact our world.
Everything we do at TACSC is tied to our four curriculum pillars which are the foundation of our programs and leadership.
- Who has the ability to set goals, design and manage projects
- Who collaborates, thinks interdependently and builds consensus
- Who is a flexible thinker
- Who is can identify a problem, evaluate solutions and resolve conflicts
- Who speaks and writes effectively for a variety of audiences
- Who is a respectful, active listener that can respond or build on ideas
- Who uses technology responsibly and innovatively
- Who understands and demonstrates nonverbal skills through poise, confidence and appearance
- Who uses God’s gifts to affect change
- Who is an accepting, empathic, compassionate and respectful leader
- Who has an active multi-faceted prayer life
- Who is an involved member of their school, church and global communities
- Who understands that their actions have impact and consequences
- Who applies learned skills in their school and daily life
- Who reciprocates by guiding others to discover their leadership potential
- Who fosters curiosity, humor, passion and a love of learning
With the support of Grolier Education Services, TACSC is founded by Marilyn Thickett at the request of the Catholic Superintendents of Schools in California. They establish an office in Downey, CA.
Holds its first Student Government Days, one in Northern CA and one in Southern CA. The theme of the day was Student Elections.
Summer Conferences are held in Northern and Southern California.
GROLIER was an exclusive sponsor of TACSC, paying for the administration of TACSC.
Student Government Days are held throughout the state of California.
TACSC holds an annual track meet in Southern CA for Catholic elementary school student athletes.
Moderators Workshops are conducted for both student council moderators and school principals. These are held in CA, NV and in several regions of the East coast. (VA, MD, District of Columbia, DE, PA, NJ, NY, CT and MA).
Student Government Days are held in the fall each year in various regions of CA and the East Coast.
TACSC holds its first Student Government Day in Flushing, NY. This begins TACSC’s presence and service to the Catholic elementary schools from MA to VA on the East coast.
TACSC holds its first Summer Leadership Conference on the East coast at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, PA.
TACSC office moves to Daly City, CA (Northern California) in August of 1990.
TACSC reaches 640 member schools in approximately 32 states and 75 dioceses with programs on both the East and West coasts.
Indirectly, TACSC touches the lives of more that 130,000 students, educators and parents throughout the United States. Student Councils of our 640 member schools actively use what they learn from TACSC programs and publications to positively influence the members of their student bodies.
TACSC’s staff personally touched the lives of 4,000 students, teachers and principals. Membership brought an estimated 13,000 more students, teachers and principals in close contact with TACSC, its publications and its expertise in leadership development.
William H. Hannon Foundation provides scholarships for Summer Conference beginning a wonderful and long-standing relationship of support with TACSC.
TACSC Founder retires after serving TACSC and mentoring thousands of students on leadership skills for over 30 years.
Gene Detre is hired as the new Executive Director. TACSC office moves to Martinez, CA.
WH Hannon Foundation renews its commitment to TACSC allowing a re-launch of programs refocused on delivering life-long leadership skills to all students, including but not limited to Student Council.
Student Leadership Days at St. Joseph’s, Lakewood, CA. St. Mary’s, Moraga. Leadership Challenge is introduced.
Student Leadership Conferences at Loyola Marymount University and Claremont McKenna College; Fr. Greg Boyle speaks at Claremont.
TACSC establishes the CORE Leadership Team, high school students from So Cal who meet four times to prepare to deliver the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Student Leadership Day on January 30, 2013.
Student Leadership Day at LMU draws 150 middle school youth.
TACSC celebrates its 30th Anniversary with a Gala celebration
Heidi Johnson hired as Executive Director for TACSC
TACSC trains and supports the delivery of six student leadership days throughout So Cal and Phoenix.
TACSC delivers three Summer Conferences, two at LMU and one at Claremont McKenna College.
TACSC designs and delivers a 700+ Student Leadership Day with new partner, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles – 150 TACSC high school
students organize and deliver the program at the LA Cathedral.
Summer Conference Expansion to include Orange County (UCI)
Student Leadership Days grown to 22 individual locations in 2 states
Foundation and Scholarships grow to support over 400 students
Core Leadership Team of High School Leaders grows to 31 participating high schools
Headquarters Staff increased to accommodate growth